As a sponsor of Christmas at Canada Place, John and I are on-site to check out and cover the entertainment and activities happening at this morning’s Breakfast with Santa. Now in its 23rd year, Breakfast with Santa happens on a Saturday and Sunday morning just before Christmas and is complete with a delicious breakfast followed […]
As a part of the 2nd Annual Granville Island Public Market Food Bank Drive the Granville Island Day Vendors Association (GIDVA) will be collecting non-perishable food items and cash in the Public Market on behalf of the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society until January 9, 2011. The wish-list for food items includes: canned meat/fish, peanut […]
It’s been 10 years since Caroline MacGillivray started Beauty Night, a non-profit organization in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside that is committed to bettering the self-esteem, image, and lives of women living in poverty. Due to her efforts and the dedication of over 400 volunteers over the years, 11,000 life-makeovers have been performed. In 2009, Caroline was […]
One of the most unique event notifications to hit my inbox recently was from the Pacific Ice Synchronized Skating Club. On Saturday, December 11th, they will be hosting their 6th Annual Christmas Gala featuring 20 synchronized skating teams from across BC and even Washington State. Bring a non-perishable food item donation for the Surrey Food […]
Established in 1986 by Leona Lattimer, the Lattimer Gallery specialized in First Nations Art of the Northwest Coast. Now operated by Leona’s grandson, Peter Lattimer, the gallery is selling a collection of beautifully-carved bentwood boxes by way of a silent auction. Twenty boxes have been created by twenty artists including Metis artist James Michels and […]