The 25th annual BC Children’s Hospital Miracle Weekend takes place this Saturday and Sunday with live broadcasts on Global BC. It’s an event that is always on my calendar, sent to my inbox, and this year a very special reminder even arrived at my front door. Tune into Global BC from 7:00pm to 11:00pm on […]
The YWCA Women of Distinction Awards are being held tonight at the Westin Bayshore to recognize outstanding women who have contributed to a variety of professional fields and communities around Metro Vancouver. 2012 Business & Professions recipient Patricia Graham of Pacific Newspaper Group For the third year as a sponsor, I am presenting a live […]
Cures for Kids presents their 3rd annual Making Magic Show on Sunday, June 3, 2012 at the River Rock in partnership with Boston Pizza and the Boston Pizza Foundation. The festivities start at 1:30pm as families and children of all ages enjoy carnival treats, an interactive learning centre, a dress-up photobooth, face painting, and the […]
In recent years something has sprouted up alongside condo towers and the new library in my hometown: Surrey pride. Proof of that lies in the creation of blogs and websites that have the sole purpose of showcasing and featuring our province’s second largest city. Scott Graham started up Surrey is the Bomb last summer and […]
The nominees for the 2012 YWCA’s Women of Distinction Awards have been announced with 71 women recognized in 11 categories including arts and culture, education and training, health and wellness, young woman of distinction, and more. Tickets are now on sale for the 29th annual awards ceremony that will take place May 24th and until […]