We all have these pocket-sized time capsules lying around that contain our favourite music from the past decade. Shoved into drawers, sitting on shelves, on it a big box marked “recycle” that’s been sitting around collecting dust. What can you do with your old iPod or mp3 player? You can donate it to the iPod […]
We Day returns to Vancouver on October 18th to inspire and celebrate youth who make a difference in their community and around the world. This is the 4th year that We Day has come to Vancouver, filling Rogers Arena with 20,000 school kids and motivational celebrities and storytellers on the main stage thanks to Free […]
There’s no shortage of businesses in Vancouver who do what they can to support causes in the community and Trees Organic is a part of that generous group. On Thursday, September 20, 2012 they will be donating $1 from every coffee and espresso-based beverage they sell to the Vancouver Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre. High levels […]
Vancouver is a dog-friendly town but we must not forget about the cats out there that patrol our neighbourhoods, keep our laps warm, and pose for incredibly adorable photos that we can’t help but post online and share with the world. This weekend VOKRA (Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association) is hosting their 3rd Annual Walk […]
The second annual Stack the Rack event is coming up on Monday, October 1, 2012 to benefit QMUNITY. Presented by Marquis Wine Cellars and Mark Brand Inc. this unique fundraiser combines a reception with a wine purchasing experience, all for a cause. Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr QMUNITY is BC’s leading queer resource centre. […]