Vancouver is a dog-friendly town but we must not forget about the cats out there that patrol our neighbourhoods, keep our laps warm, and pose for incredibly adorable photos that we can’t help but post online and share with the world. This weekend VOKRA (Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue Association) is hosting their 3rd Annual Walk […]
The second annual Stack the Rack event is coming up on Monday, October 1, 2012 to benefit QMUNITY. Presented by Marquis Wine Cellars and Mark Brand Inc. this unique fundraiser combines a reception with a wine purchasing experience, all for a cause. Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr QMUNITY is BC’s leading queer resource centre. […]
The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s Run for the Cure is coming up September 30th and a group of local bloggers has created a team to support the cause. Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr Nicole Ludwig from the blog Resolving Timeline Issues said that the team was an “accidental happening” last year since she signed […]
The Sequoia Company of Restaurants presents the 1st annual Dinner in the Park for KidSport on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at Seasons in the Park. The multi-course meal will feature dishes prepared by each of the Sequoia Company restaurants including Seasons in the Park, The Teahouse, Cardero’s, and The Sandbar. Proceeds will benefit KidSport in […]
This Sunday WAVES Coffee House on Smithe and Howe in downtown Vancouver will launch a new concert series for a cause. Stop by WAVES at 100-900 Howe on August 19th for free live music from local artists and $1 from every purchase made on that day (for coffee, baked goods, etc.) will be donated to […]