Archive for the category "charity"

Terry Fox Run Locations in Metro Vancouver

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The 2014 Terry Fox Run is just around the corner and while some kids may participate each year with their school (School Run Day is September 24th), this year families might need to take it upon themselves to sign up on their own. The general run takes places in hundreds of communities across Canada on […]

Southsiders 3 on 3 Outdoor Soccer Tournament

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Doolin’s Irish Pub, on the bustling corner of Nelson and Granville is downtown Vancouver, will host the Southsiders 3 on 3 Outdoor Soccer Tournament on August 30th. This all day, all ages event will benefit Athletics for Kids and set you up for a full day of community soccer fun ahead of the Vancouver Whitecaps […]

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

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Over the weekend Scott Graham nominated me for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by dumping a bucket of water on his head and calling me out in his online video. The rules for this viral campaign are simple: Accept a nomination by filming your own dousing and nominating up to three others to do a […]

BC SPCA Celebrity Rescue

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Rappelling down the side of a building, blogging for 24 hours straight, and sleeping outside in a back alley in downtown Vancouver… in November. These are just a few of the things I have done for charity and now I can add “locked in a kennel” to the list. The BC SPCA has invited me […]

Casks for Surrey Memorial

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Follow Scott Graham, @WFLBC on Twitter, for a single day and you’ll discover two things. The first is that he takes awesome downtown building photos and the second is that he’s absolutely crazy about his adorable daughter. This little angel is his inspiration for hosting fundraisers over the years, usually combining his passion for local […]