He isn’t from Vancouver but he loves the city almost as much as I do. Tony Pierce was a natural choice for my next blogger profile as he’s been blogging for just under a decade on his own site, is a sxsw panelist, takes pics with hotties, can grow a beard like Papa Smurf, bleeds […]
If you’re like me, when you check your feeds, Morning Brew is at the top of the heap. This is a daily feature provided by Sean Orr on the popular Vancouver group blog, Beyond Robson. After discovering he had many more projects on the go, and that he could get my Red Dwarf references, I […]
A short while ago Keira was contacted by a reporter about the MySpace identity debacle. Since its discovery, she was able to get the profile deleted and notify some of the imposter’s contacts. Luckily I had time to capture some screenshots of the photos posted on the account before its removal. It’s nice to look […]
I was passed along a link recently (via del.icio.us) for Urbanspoon, a massive website network of restaurants and food reviews from around the world. Urbanspoon is the world’s leading provider of time-critical dining data, a major division of a very important multi-national corporation, and an all-around BIG PLAYER in the multi-billion dollar restaurant information industry. […]
Last night I had a vicious migraine and passed out around 9am. I woke up this morning, got out of bed and my legs didn’t want to work. After thumping down onto the bedroom floor and telling my body it was time to wake up I made my way to the computer. I had my […]