As I alluded to yesterday with my MPFR3DOM post, John and I will also be given a Brother Printer to test drive, taste test, sample, and play with for a little while. Here’s how marketing guru Darren Barefoot approached us. See other comics sent to Jordan, DaveO and Tanya. If you’re a blogger and would […]
Update: You can vote more than once, check back every 24 hrs. Inspired by Duane’s post and a Twitter I saw somewhere somehow…. you should go vote for Raymi – here’s why I did. When I started blogging four years ago there were few influences around. The biggest to me personally being Matt – the […]
When writing about strictly-Vancouver content I often have to chose between publishing on my own site or on Metroblogging. I have been involved with Metroblogging Vancouver for over a year and am actually one of the City Captains – meaning I get to sit in on all the global blogging domination chats every month, which […]
It must have happened with bacn but since I got on TechBurgh‘s radar I’ve had a little window in the social networking community that is alive and well in Pittsburgh. As it turns out, I’ve been named their Weekly Tech Girl, which is pretty great. Favorite thing about technology in general: It makes life easier […]
This website popped onto my radar a short while ago when they linked my story about the Surrey Memorial Hospital, even though they’ve been around for the last four years. Langley’s longest-running and most popular Town Hall forum, hosted by Langley Township Councillor Jordan Bateman and Sam “Politics” Kirk. Featuring more than 150,000 visitors, 500,000 […]