What a year it’s been for John, me, and the other element in our relationship, Miss604.com. Here are a couple items of note for 2007, including my most popular Flickr photos of 2007: Stats: My monthly readership grew 410% from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007. Number of Posts in 2007: 882 (including this […]
This autumn I introduced the Best of 604, in response to a local newspaper’s Best of Vancouver. Sure, my categories weren’t as diverse but I’m pretty free to build upon the Best of 604 at any time, so that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Photo credit: Kris Krug on Flickr Reading Morning Brew this […]
I’ve noticed a lot of incoming links lately from sites that weren’t previously on my radar. What appears to be happening is something similar to “The Z List“. This year, Troy Worman has started a meme to recognize outstanding bloggers. There are no awards, no accolades, simply a “pass it on” mentality surrounded by link […]
Update: You may notice a few changes around here over the next few weeks. It will be a bit of a transition period for while, but hang in there and you won’t be disappointed. As one of my favourite quotes from the Breakfast Club goes…. “So it’s sorta social, demented and sad, but social. Right?” […]
A little while ago local blogfather and marketing sensei Darren Barefoot approached John and me (along with a handful of other lucky social medialites) to see if we wanted to test drive a Brother printer. It’s no secret that if you want to give us free things in exchange for reviews, blog posts, our thoughts […]