Contributed by Alanah It’s the early evening on a lovely Vancouver Island Saturday, and I think to myself, “What could be more fun than reading Rebecca’s Blogathon posts as she struggles through 24 hours of charitable goodness?” And then it occurred to me… “I know what would be more fun: giving Rebecca a hard time […]
Contributed by Keira-Anne As Becky and I sat here in her living room on a semi-sunny Saturday afternoon, we decided to recapture a sliver of our youths by watching Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989). As the first notes of Big Pig’s “I Can’t Break Away” filled our ears during the opening sequence, Becky turned […]
Contributed by Isabella Mori This blogathon really got me going. Too bad I can’t participate; can’t wait to be part of this next year! So at least this year I want to stand at the sidelines and cheer real loud! Since Rebecca is blogging for the Surrey Food Bank, I thought I’d talk a bit […]
For Blogathon can I scoop another blogathoner‘s post? I think it’s allowed, I ‘ve actually just been wondering how the Simpsons Movie is being received. I was seriously nervous about it, wondering if it would live up to 18 years of faithful episode-watching all culminating into a few hours of would-be-glory on the big screen. […]
Although Phillip was at Northern Voice, I didn’t meet him until the Gastown photowalk just a short while ago. It was a most excellent photowalk and we also met up to watch Transformers when it came out. Phillip actually lead a session at NV: For moosecamp today I will be running a discussion group/chat session […]