SeaWheeze Half Marathon and Sunset Festival 2019
bySeaWheeze Half Marathon and Sunset Festival in Vancouver August 16 to 17, 2019: Road closures and general festival info.
SeaWheeze Half Marathon and Sunset Festival in Vancouver August 16 to 17, 2019: Road closures and general festival info.
The Dude Returns to Dude Chilling Park: Welcome The Dude sculpture (now in bronze) back to the park on August 17th with community picnic
Photos from the Kaleidoscope Arts Festival at Town Centre Park/Lafarge Lake in Coquitlam, Saturday, August 10, 2019
On Saturday, September 7th, join 5,000 people on bikes to form a luminous parade through Vancouver’s city streets during Bike the Night
The Vancouver International Tap Dance Festival Celebrates 20 Years (Aug 26 to Sept 1, 2019) enter to win tickets from Miss604.