Last week an article popped up in my news feeds about BC students having one of the highest literacy levels in the world. Today, the Provincial Government reports that Grade 10 students in BC are again, at the head of the pack when it comes to reading, math and science. B.C. students were in the […]
Yesterday we drove around the southernmost tip of Vancouver Island, surveying storm damage from the night before and witnessing towering waves crashing on shore and showering roads and pathways with debris. It was the first big storm of the season and being that we were on the Island, we were pretty concerned about our passage […]
I can’t believe this has been kept off my radar this long but in preparation for BC’s 150th birthday, the government is initiating projects and activities all over the province in celebration of this milestone. BC150 Years celebrates the adventures, struggles, people, events and achievements that have shaped our provincial identity. It’s a celebration with […]
We interviewed Jim Ward last November at Richards on Richards before their big break out with their new album Threes. Quick, brief intro: He’s one of 4 band members in Sparta and since then have played Conan, Craig Ferguson, done so many events and toured across North America. I was just listening to the radio […]