Archive for the category "BC"

Ocean in Google Earth Features BC Waters

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last week I got the heads up on the addition of downtown Vancouver buildings to Google Earth 3D but now they’ve taken to the water for Ocean in Google Earth. The feature is included in the newest version of Google Earth. As users zoom in on the ocean they will see a dynamic water surface. […]

Altar Boyz on Tour

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I can see it now, young impressionable girls pasting posters in their lockers and giving gleeful, longing looks at Matthew, Mark, Luke, Juan and Abraham while applying layer after layer of lip gloss. They can sing, they can dance, and the Altar Boyz have even got Jesus calling ’em up on their cell phones. Charles […]

History Tidbit: Duff Pattullo

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

My personal history with Pattullo goes back about 29 years however the name played an important role for me in high school biology. I used to be able to remember that the knee cap was called the “patella” since it was like a bridge between the femur and tibia (at least in my mind it […]

The Great Bear Rainforest Needs Your Help

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

British Columbia’s Great Bear Rainforest (the largest tract of intact coastal temperate rainforest left on Earth) is in danger and there is a public call out for support to raise awareness and put pressure on the current government to keep their promise about conserving the area. Photo credit: Evelyn Kirkaldy on Flickr Two years ago, […]