Archive for the category "BC"

SuperHappyBollwittTime Day Two

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Day two of SuperHappyBollwittTime will include clear skies and 18 degrees here in Canada’s only pocket desert. We’re still unsure what’s in store for the Bollwitts but I’m certain it will involve sunshine and mushy things couples that are in love do. That’s right I said it, I’m totally loving this time away with John. […]

SuperHappyBollwittTime Day One

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Crossing over the Similkameen River with the setting sun in our rear view mirror John reached over and threaded his fingers through mine – right then and there SuperHappyBollwittTime (the code name for this weekend) had officially begun. As the Crowsnest Highway has become a familiar path we both keep an eye out for some […]