Archive for the category "BC"

Osoyoos, A Virtual Postcard

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

We had to get out of town this weekend, despite contemplating the staycation, so enjoying a little R&R along with my sister’s family. We’ll be back in a few days but I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made my DreamBank dream come true. Thanks to all those who contributed – […]

The Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Earlier this week I had a poll on my site about the potential smoking ban on Vancouver beaches. Contrary to past articles I have written that have had heated discussions about smokers and non-smokers alike, I was (pleasantly) surprised to see the conversation shift to a matter of litter, as opposed to one about air […]

Justin Morneau, Ryan Dempster and Russell Martin

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Even though it’s summer there’s still a huge hockey buzz in this town with the signing of Demitra and today’s release of the schedule (among other things). However, there are a handful of other local (and Canadian) athletes leaving their mark worldwide and as a part of Major League Baseball. This commercial got us really […]

July is Parks Month in Vancouver and BC

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

Welcome to Parks Month, a time where we should all be able to get out and enjoy what our city and province’s green spaces have to offer. To help us decide where to go and what to do, there is a website filled with suggestions – in fact there’s even one for every day in […]