Archive for the category "BC"

Day Tripping: Minter Gardens

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I have been a guest of the Harrison/Agassiz region for the last 24 hours and although I have numerous entries yet to come about our stops on the Circle Farm Tour, our first destination was Minter Gardens. I thought this would be perfect opportunity to expand my Day Tripping series. Located just off Highway 1 […]

Drina Read Candidate Interview

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

While discussing her campaign over a mango smoothie on Davie Street I realized that it was probably Drina who got me started with all of these interviews back in the fall. Drina Read is the Green Party of BC candidate for Vancouver West-End and being a long-time resident she’s very passionate about her community as […]

Haida Lane Candidate Interview

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I ventured outside of the downtown core to meet up with Haida Lane, the BC Liberal candidate for Vancouver-Hastings. “I’ve always had a passion for politics,” said Haida who start campaigning later in the game since the untimely passing of candidate Andrew Mak. “Given the opportunity and the need, I knew that this community could […]