Archive for the category "BC"

Our Weekend at Hastings House on Salt Spring Island

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt
Disclosure: Review — I was not paid by any publication, individual or business to write this post. We were guests of Hastings House however all other expenses were our own. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

Following a quick pit-stop at home to sleep and re-pack after a trip to the Cariboo, John and I were off to Salt Spring Island for the weekend. This member of the Gulf Island chain in the Georgia Strait, between Vancouver Island and the mainland of BC, is a favourite destination of ours (that we […]

Rocky Mountaineer to Ashcroft

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This morning I set out on the Rocky Mountaineer train with a group of media traveling to Echo Valley Ranch. While the train was simply our selected mode of transport up the Fraser Canyon into the Chilcotin Cariboo region of BC, it was well-worth photographing and documenting the experience. Departing from the Rocky Mountaineer station […]

BC Travel Tuesday: Week 6 Accent Inns Okanagan

Comments 136 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Heading into Week 6 of the BC Travel Tuesday series, we’re about half-way through the giveaways and getaways that have been lined up by In case you haven’t been following along already, we’re highlighting travel and hotel stays for locals. backyardbc is a new travel website designed specifically for residents of British Columbia. Essentially […]

Summer Live 2011 in Stanley Park

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

As a part of the continuing celebrations for Vancouver’s 125th anniversary, Summer Live will showcase the best of BC entertainment with a free 3-day concert series in Stanley Park this July. Said the Whale, Mother Mother, Dan Mangan, We Are the City. Photo credit: John Bollwitt This afternoon participating artists were announced and the line-up […]