Archive for the category "BC"

Visiting Fairmont Hot Springs, BC

Comments 5 by John Biehler
Disclosure: Review — John's experience was courtesy of Fairmont Hot Springs. He was not paid to write this recap and it is formed of his own opinions. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

When I was a kid, growing up in Kelowna and Northern BC, my parents took our family on a lot of road trips. We went all over the place in the car camping, hoteling, etc. back in the days before iPads, Nintendo DS and seatback dvd players made road trips easier for us kids in […]

From the Miss604 Flickr Pool: Port Mann Bridge Photos

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Having just passed the half-way point in the construction of the Port Mann Bridge I thought I would showcase photos of the impressive 10-lane superstructure this week. The following is a collection of Port Mann Bridge photos (past and present) that have been contributed to the Miss604 Group on Flickr. I also received permission to […]

HootSuite Acquisition(s)

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

There was a HootSuite deal today but it’s not the one you may have heard rumours about. The makers of the web’s most popular communications dashboard acquired another Vancouver-based company called Geotoko that specializes in geo-analytic software. HootSuite is a browser-based Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Ping, WordPress, MySpace, and FourSquare manager with millions of users on […]

Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story on Tour at the Surrey Arts Centre

Comments 48 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Arts Club’s production of Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story opens today at the Surrey Arts Centre. The world’s most successful rock n’ roll musical is currently on tour around the province until November 20, 2011. “Peggy Sue,” “That’ll Be the Day,” “Oh Boy,” “Not Fade Away”—the list of hit songs penned by Buddy Holly […]

Joey Kenward Heart of a Canuck

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I first met Joey Kenward at the Pacific Coliseum four years ago when he was the voice of the Vancouver Giants. John set up the radio broadcast and Joey did production, the play-by-play, ran down to the locker rooms to do interviews between periods, then ran back up to the press box to call the […]