The Central City Plaza will be illuminated December 3rd with a tree lighting ceremony and festivities to kick off the holiday season. The City of Surrey’s Tree Lighting event is moving to the plaza (from Holland Park) to accommodate more activities such as road hockey, curling, and a performance stage. Mayor and Council, Frosty the […]
Whistler Blackcomb will be opening its 2011-2012 season on November 24th. To celebrate they have some creative campaigns running including a Tweetup on November 26th and [EMBEDDED] which will see professional freeskier Mike Douglas living atop Whistler Mountain for 6 days in November. Photo credit: couloir on Flickr – From the Miss604 Flickr Pool Lodging […]
At 11:00am on the 11th day of the 11th month I stand in silence to respect and honour those who gave their lives for our country. I am a first generation Canadian and this is my home. Remembrance Day makes me think of family, and it makes me thankful. I get to wake up every […]
The City of Surrey is hosting their first Surrey Open Data Hackathon this month. The concept is to use Open Data (the City’s free and public data sources) to create concepts and innovative tools like web applications, mobile applications, Google Maps mashups, and more. Vancouver Water Fountain Map An example of usage (from Vancouver) could […]
Operation Red Nose started out in 1984 as the brain child of Jean-Marie De Koninck of Quebec who got members of his swim club to offer to drive motorists home, in their own vehicle, if they had too much to drink. Since that time Operation Red Nose has expanded to over 100 communities across Canada, […]