Archive for the category "BC"

BC Travel Tuesday: Evolution Whistler Creekside

Comments 280 by Rebecca Bollwitt

BC Travel Tuesday, with a Whistler spin, continues this week as I partner with to help British Columbians get out and explore their home province. backyardbc is a new travel website designed specifically for residents of British Columbia. Essentially a “be a tourist in your own backyard” program, participating hotels & resorts offer residents […]

Valentine’s at Rowena’s Inn

Comments 367 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This Valentine’s Day you can escape the city and snuggle up at a beautiful riverside inn. Rowena’s Inn, at Pretty Estates, blew us away this summer when we visited and stayed in one of their signature log cabins along with Harrison River. It was one of the most romantic places we’ve been fortunate enough to […]

Rio Theatre: Alcohol & Movies Won’t Mix

Comments 7 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Have you ever watched a movie down South with a cold beer in your hand at establishments like the Alamo Drafthouse in Texas or Cinebarre in Washington State? Have you ever wondered why you can’t do the same in BC? Well, our BC Liquor laws state that you cannot have bar service in a movie […]

BC Travel Tuesday: Coast Blackcomb Suites Whistler

Comments 498 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last year I partnered with Brian Friesen of when he launched his service that provides discounts for British Columbians when they book hotel stays in their own province. Over 12 weeks we gave away thousands of dollars in accommodation prizes during “BC Travel Tuesday” — it was such a success that we’re going to […]