Archive for the category "BC"

Averill Creek Winery on Vancouver Island

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt
Disclosure: Review — I was not paid to write this post. Our group's tastings were complimentary during our Vancouver Island Taste media tour of the region. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

Pinot Noir grapes are mainly associated with Burgundy but Andy Johnston of Averill Creek Winery on Vancouver Island are putting Duncan on the global Pinot map. Averill Creek is the largest estate grown vineyard and winery on Vancouver Island and they’re producing everything from Pinot Gris and Gewurtztraminer to a Foch Cab. “I’m a grape […]

Nicli Pizzeria Winemaker’s Dinner with LaStella

Comments 106 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Earlier this spring I discovered the beauty of an oven-fresh pizza paired with Okanagan wines and I’m pretty excited that an event all about that same marriage of flavours and textures will be taking place in Vancouver this month. Photos courtesy of LaStella/Nicli Nicli Pizzeria Antica is hosting the Nicli Pizzeria Winemaker’s Dinner on Tuesday, […]

Date Night in the City: St. Regis Hotel and Les Misérables

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt
Disclosure: Review — This is not a paid post. We paid for our own meals/drinks. I was provided media tickets to Les Mis (for review purposes). Our night at the St. Regis was complimentary. Views are my own. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

We’re a pair of 30-somethings in the city with no kids but that doesn’t mean that every time we go out that it’s a “date night”. Running to the grocery store or market, grabbing some take-out, and covering events (when John‘s got a camera in his face the whole time) aren’t the most romantic escapades. […]

VIVA Vancouver 2013

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

VIVA Vancouver, a summer program that transform city streets into art and performance spaces in collaboration with local businesses, returns at the end of this month. 800 Robson Street Summertime Plaza Each weekend from June 21st and June 22nd until the weekend of August 31st and September 1st, the 800 block of Robson will be […]

Canada Day at Canada Place 2013: Entertainment Schedule

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Downtown Vancouver will be bustling with patriotic festivities and family fun with the 26th annual Canada Day at Canada Place. On Monday, July 1st you can enjoy the 5th annual Canada Day Parade (7:00pm to 8:00pm), Burrard Inlet fireworks show (10:30pm to 11:00pm), and of course the waterfront party (10:00am to 6:00pm). Photo credit: John […]