Archive for the category "BC"

City of Vancouver Food Scraps Program

Comments 84 by Rebecca Bollwitt
Disclosure: Sponsored Post — This campaign is sponsored by the City of Vancouver's Food Scraps program. Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

The City of Vancouver is celebrating the two year anniversary of the expanded city Green Bin program for food scraps recycling. This program allows residents to recycle all their food scraps and is now available to about 100,000 single family/duplexes households and 1,800 multi-unit residential buildings currently serviced by the City. As of January 2015, […]

3 Halloween Walking Tours in Vancouver

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Whether the night is dark and stormy or clear with an autumn breeze, these three seasonal walking tours will not only educate and entertain, they’re sure to give you goosebumps. 3 Halloween Walking Tours in Vancouver SS Beaver Shipwreck off Stanley Park. 1935 – Archives item# LGN 500. Photographer: Bailey Bros. Host: Stanley Park History […]

VIFF 2014: That’s a Wrap

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Vancouver International Film Festival (“VIFF”) wrapped up a record-setting year on October 10th. The 33rd annual event saw a 10% increase over 2013 at the box office, which was the previous benchmark year. Over the course of the festival’s 16 days, VIFF presented 549 public screenings of 349 films from more than 70 countries, […]

SPARK Animation 2014: Win Tickets

Comments 9 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Calling all animation students, artists, industry members, and enthusiasts! The Spark Computer Graphics Society presents SPARK Animation 2014, a conference and film festival celebrating creativity, inspiration and innovation in animation around the world. What: SPARK Animation 2014 October 22 – 26 at the Vancity Theatre Where: Vancity Theatre, 1181 Seymour in Vancouver When: October 22nd […]

BC Hydro Power Smart Candlelight Dinner

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt
Disclosure: Sponsored Post — This post is sponsored by BC Hydro Power Smart Please review the Policy & Disclosure section for further information.

Restaurants dim the lights, serve up deals for Candlelight Dinner In the mood for romance? How about a candlelight dinner with a great message? BC Hydro Power Smart’s most delicious initiative of the year – the Candlelight Dinner – is back on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. Over 64 restaurants in seven communities across BC – […]