What a long weekend and yet I still don’t have much of a voice due to gitis of the larynx that has plagued me over the last week. Since we’re uber tired and I promise to have many quality posts up for the rest of the week, this entry just purely warrants a photo montage.
We are so busy this week I think come Saturday I’ll either be sick or my head will fall off. Here’s what’s coming up this week in the land of Miss604.com: Tonight is the Metroblogging Vancouver meetup, we haven’t had one of these in ages, and I haven’t been to one in like a year […]
We had a great time last night even though our team lost 10-4. The Canadians organization went all out to make this event a big splash and I believe they were successful. To start, the national anthem was sung by none other than Mark Donnelly – he’s who John and I call “Opera Man” and […]
Last summer I took in my first game *ever* at Nat Bailey Stadium. Being a born and raised local that might come as a surprise although our little ballpark, neatly tucked away just south of downtown near Queen Elizabeth Park is lesser-known that I realized. It all starts with White Spot, really. Home of the […]