Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

is it always raining today

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‘I remember when the “new” 10 dollar bill came out with the poem printed on it. Everyone (including myself) thought it had a typo: “In Flanders Field the poppies grow between the crosses row on row”. Although on the bill it says blow. What an outrage. Turns out – “we” were all wrong and the […]

RadioZoom Episode #118 – Interview With Jim from Sparta

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The audio from our interview with Jim Ward of Sparta [miss604] has now been posted on RadioZoom [Episode 118]. It all starts off talking about rain and sushi. Good times in Vancouver, eh? Another adventure with the podcasting project, RadioZoom gets the opportunity to hang out with Jim Ward, front man for the band Sparta, […]

The Crazy Canucks – Episode 6

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We’re all hopped up with the launch of the shiney new this week, and our listing in the Fan Forum > Links section []. With a late recording time (due to my work schedule), technical issues and not enough beer to go around, we get this one off the ground thanks to the patience […]