Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Clear Skies, Muddy Water

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This whole “don’t drink the water” thing is Metroblogging gold. You still shouldn’t be brushing your teeth with the water or drinking it but seriously, you CAN wash your hands. We were out Friday night and 3 women in the ladies room with me got right out of the stall, headed to the paper towels […]

The Crazy Canucks – Episode 7

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With Canada’s largest ever boil-water warning in effect [gvrd], trees toppling down on to houses and power outages gallore, we braved the storm [mbv] in Vancouver while our Canucks did not-so-good on the ice this past week. We discuss it all on Episode 7 of The Crazy Canucks podcast. Even though the last few games […]

i'm not dead

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I’m still alive, I promise. I’ve worked about 30 extra hours in the last week or so and I’m a little tired. It’s the “crazy time of year” and aside from regular overtime, I’ve taken some extra shifts (e.g. working the stat) so that my lovely husband [audihertz][radiozoom] and I can enjoy Thanksgiving [wiki] together […]

johnny canuck

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The old vintage jerseys look great on TV. Lately, fans have been obsessed with the soothing blue and the crisp green of the 70s era Canucks uniforms [audihertz]. They were brought back a couple of years ago when the league was having flashbacks. You’d catch original six teams playing each other in their old colours […]