Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Five Golden Toques

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After blogging about how we don’t have “real” seasons in Vancouver anymore (just hot hot for 2 months in the summer then 10 months of grey wetness [mbv]) Mother Nature made me put my foot in my mouth as the Lower Mainland with dusted with several inches of snow this weekend [mg] [mbv]. It’s still […]

hittin the ice

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This summer we enjoyed so many outdoor activities in Vancouver, that didn’t cost a thing except maybe bus fare if we wanted to venture a little further from home [miss604]. As the rain rolled in for fall and winter in the city, our beach time came to an end, walks are less frequent and we […]

The Crazy Canucks – Episode 8

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Everyone is back on the line for Episode 8. Talk of booze, fights on the ice, and JJ becoming our very own fan blogger all keep us chatting this week. Although the water is still murky in Vancouver, the Canucks’ play has made everything a little brighter. After a dismal beating last week, our […]