Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

The Crazy Canucks – Episode 10

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Surrounded by Monday Night Football fans, J.J., John and I waited patiently for Alanah and Dave to join us after the Oiler-spanking we incurred last night. Luckily, we got our reactions on tape for Episode 10 of The Crazy Canucks Podcast. Ten episodes into the podcast, all of the members join up after the game […]

Special Days

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Yesterday was World AIDS Day. In Vancouver, there were services and campaigns to help raise awareness [AIDSVan]. Around the world, nations and communities marked the day, whether it was by handing out red ribbons or massive public demonstrations. …The need for additional treatment and prevention programs, health officials say, remains staggering. The global pandemic has […]

Getting Our Moose On

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Northern Voice (aka Moose Camp) is ready and set for February 23 & 24 2007. Darren Barefoot made the registration announcement today and would like some input from all those in the blogging community – especially all the fine folks who wish to attend this “learning party”: Registration is officially open! Two days of conference […]