Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Surrey's Reptile Refuge Closes to the Public

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I accompanied my niece’s preschool class to the Surrey Reptile Refuge several years ago. Tucked away off 176 Street it houses reptiles that have been abandoned i.e. that cute little alligator Timmy got for his birthday that soon grew 6 feet thus being too big for the family bathtub. You can view nearly 400 animals […]

Miss604 Poll: Patio Smoking Ban in Vancouver

Comments 23 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Update: Vancouver City Council has just approved the tougher anti-smoking law. “The law bans smoking in taxis, bus shelters, on restaurant patios, and within 6 metres of any door, window or air intake on a public building” – News 1130 There was a comedian on Last Comic Standing a few weeks ago who was talking […]