Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Dotcom Bust and SuperBowl Commercials

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Someone was just mentioned something about, which instantly made me picture their sock dog mascot (which incidentally lead to sue Conan O’Brien’s show over “Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog“). Thinking back to the days of the dotcom BOOM I remember where I was when it all went down… during the BUST. I was […]

Culturally Modified Trees of Stanley Park

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The other day during our multi-hour walk through the park, John and I came across a a tree that had been tagged in a way I hadn’t seen before. You’ll usually find fluorescent flags hanging off branches as route or survey markers but since the storms we’ve mostly seen spray-painted dots, rags and other indicators […]