Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Translink Introduces

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

With transportation and traffic congestion being a hot topic with Metro Vancouver commuters, Translink is preparing to launch a new site this November that aims to be an “all-in-one” source for getting around the region. The website integrates bus, train and ferry schedules along with delays at YVR and the status at the Canada US […]

Masking Credit Card Numbers

Comments 12 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver businesses are failing to protect my private purchasing information, and they’re probably doing the same with yours too. How often have you eaten at a restaurant in town, paid by credit card and noticed on the receipt you’re about to leave on the table that your entire credit card number is displayed? If you […]

Have you Seen this MySpace?

Comments 26 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Apparently Keira-Anne lives in Austin Texas, she has a friend in Vancouver named “Bridg” that loves the Canucks and what looks like Spanish Banks, is actually someplace called “Tribune Bay”. Either that or there’s someone out there using over 50 photos of Keira, me, John, Duane and even Tony Pierce, posing as Keira on MySpace… […]