Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

BC Youth Week

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In my formative teenage years, I was involved in almost anything under the sun. I was one of the school’s yearbook editors, on the student council, sports council, played 5 sports and was a part of Encounters Canada Youth Ambassadors. Later on I had the chance to work with children and younger teens, which lead […]

What I'm Listening To

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

A few years go John had a blog post series called, “WILT” (What I’m Listening To). Inspired by Keira’s post about music yesterday, and Raul’s follow-up, here’s a sampling of what’s currently on my iPhone: Albums Nada Surf – The Weight is a Gift – They’re coming to town March 29th and playing the Commodore […]

SMEI Social Media for Marketing

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I was up at 5:30 today to prepare for a seminar I was to attend for my “day job”. The theme was “Social Media for Marketing” and was put on by SMEI (Sales and Marketing Executives International). There were many non-members in the room, including myself, and already being well versed in the social media […]