Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver 2010 Day Two in Photos

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

My daily series of Olympic recaps continues as I share my personal experiences through photos. Day Two, February 13, 2010 Probably the biggest highlight of the day for me was watching women’s hockey at Canada Hockey Place. The Canadian team skated over Slovakia 18-0 (shots on goal 67-9) but the Slovkian team still raised their […]

Vancouver 2010 Decentralized Dance Party

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This evening an organized roaming dance party planned by the folks at the Decentralized Dance Party service took to the streets in jubilant celebration of Canada. Photo credit: John Biehler on Flickr This organized flash mob dance party started at 6:00pm at the Roundhouse in Yaletown and will roam around Vancouver with boom-boxes and Canadian […]

Vancouver 2010 Day One in Photos

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

For the last few years I have been profiling the events and highlights of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games. Now that they’re here, I’m out and about every day either going to Olympic events, hanging out at hospitality houses, or creating content with friends. I have decided to do a daily photo recap of what […]

Vancouver 2010 Protests on Day Two

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Unfortunately Day Two of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games got rung in with the sound of smashing glass at the HBC store downtown. From what I hear, 100-200 protesters moved from Georgia Street, down to Denman, looped up Robson Street and are currently being penned in by police on Robson Street between Broughton and Jervis. […]

Vancouver 2010 BC Canada Pavilion at the VAG

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Outside the public can enjoy skating, concerts, and the zipline for free as a part of the BC You Gotta Be Here campaign. However inside the Vancouver Art Gallery you can enjoy all that the official British Columbia Canada Pavilion has to offer. Throughout the Games, admission to the Vancouver Art Gallery will be free […]