Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver 2010 Alberta Day

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’ve missed BC Day, Quebec Day and yesterday’s Nova Scotia Day but I’ll make up for it now by profiling Alberta Day at the Olympics (perhaps even to honor Iginla’s stellar performance on the ice last night). Photo by Chris Bolin for The Calgary Stampede Calgary Stampede Royalty, Harry the Horse, Olympic Mascots Every day […]

Vancouver 2010 Day 5 in Photos

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Yesterday was another action-packed adventure here in Olympics land. The sun was shining, the cherry blossoms started to pop on the trees, and it was a great day for sport. Day 5 February 16, 2010 The morning started out like any other, John Biehler met John and I at our house and we all walked […]

Vancouver History: From the Archives

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Exploring more of Vancouver’s history this week I took a gander at the listed photograph subject terms that I can search through on the City of Vancouver Archives website. Finding some of the most obscure results, I thought it would be fun to post a few retrospective photos of our city, featuring some unusual imagery. […]

Vancouver 2010 Olympic Cauldron Behind a Fence

Comments 31 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Olympic flame is burning strong in Jack Poole Plaza overlooking Coal Harbour with a beautiful North Shore backdrop. Unfortunately, no one in Vancouver can get close enough to it to experience its warming glow as its captured behind an unfriendly chain link fence. Photo credit: Stv on Flickr I heard from Bob Mackin that […]

Vancouver 2010 Day Four in Photos

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Continuing my daily series featuring my personal experiences at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics I have to say that yesterday was indeed a fantastic day. Despite not getting to bed until 2:30 this morning because I was still up working, John and I had a once in a lifetime experience over at the Pacific Coliseum. Day […]