Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Transit Fares on the Rise

Comments 16 by Rebecca Bollwitt

When you head down to 7-Eleven Thursday morning to purchase your monthly transit fare card don’t be fooled — Translink’s fare hikes kick into effect April 1st bumping up pre-paid fares by at least 10%. Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr I put a reminder out on Twitter and @reneestephen replied saying it now costs […]

Sport BC Athlete of the Year Awards

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Sport BC Athlete of the Year Awards are being awarded this week as the province’s top athletes receive recognition for their stellar performances. Nominees and finalists have been selected and winners will be announced March 31st at the River Rock Show Theatre. Award categories include: Athlete with a Disability, Coach of the Year, College […]

Easter Activities in Vancouver

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Easter bunny is making his (or her) way through Vancouver in a few days giving many a long weekend. Around town there are a few activities that you can enjoy with friends and family, especially the young ones. Photo credit: A Hermida on Flickr Easter EGGstravaganza Where: West End Community Centre When: April 1st […]

Success at Twestival Vancouver

Comments 11 by Rebecca Bollwitt

After packing up the last of the leftover meat & cheese platters I waved to Marc, I drove home from YVRTwestival in the rain. I had just hosted an event for 250 people that raised over $9,000 for Concern Worldwide. My automatic windshield wipers began to sway back and forth as I thought about all […]