Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

100 Years of the PNE & Playland Contest

Comments 164 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Pacific National Exhibition or PNE will be celebrating 100 years this summer. From livestock, pig races, demolition derbies, and the “As Seen on TV” marketplace, to cotton candy, fried onions, mini donuts and The Mousetrap, it’s a Vancouver tradition. While the PNE won’t be around for its limited engagement until summer is in full […]

Twitter Bug Resets Followers

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Twitter was experiencing the effects of a bug this weekend that exploited the following/follower method (as this post on Mashable explains). This morning, as an after effect of this bug, all users have noticed their following and follower numbers have dropped right down to zero. This means the little corner store down the block has […]

How Should Journalists Use Social Media

Comments 5 by Rebecca Bollwitt

My first Day Two session at Northern Voice is How (Should) Journalists Use Social Media, with speakers Lisa Johnson of the CBC and Kirk LaPointe of the Vancouver Sun. Lisa talked about how she uses her own blog, Twitter and Facebook to reach out and find stories. First off, she explained that using social media […]

Museum of Anthropology: Border Zones

Add a Comment by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Museum of Anthropology is one of my favourite places in Vancouver, and I even shared that with the world through a feature I did with Google a few months ago. I recently visited for the first time since their renovation and was given the grand tour by Karen Duffek, Curator Pacific Northwest, Contemporary Visual […]