Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

FreelanceCamp Vancouver

Comments 6 by Rebecca Bollwitt

FreelanceCamp is coming to Vancouver May 29th at the Network Hub on Richards and Hastings. I have been attending “camps” for the last five years as I’ve found a large part of being in the social media realm is actually getting out from behind the computer screen and meeting, networking, and just hanging out with […]

Mount St Helens Eruption: 30th Anniversary

Comments 8 by Rebecca Bollwitt

After hearing the loud rumble that caused the curtains to blow in my mother walked over to the crib to check on me. It was Mother’s Day. She thought the noise came from someone slamming lids on dumpsters but soon found out on the news that Mount St Helens in Washington State had erupted. I […]

Where to Sign the HST Petition

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The HST or Harmonized Sales Tax is coming to BC July 1st. It does away with our Provincial Sales Tax (currently 7%) but still adds 7% to the GST. BC’s HST will be 12% while other provinces adopting the system, such as Ontario, will have a 13% HST. The Canada Revenue Agency is hosting seminars […]

Theatre Profile: Godspell at Pacific Theatre

Comments 23 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Hoping to be able to catch up to all the theatre action in Vancouver I have new weekly “Theatre Profile” series. This week’s feature plus ticket giveaway is for Pacific Theatre’s production of Godspell. Singing! Dancing! Sheep! Goats! Thou shalt be thrilled! Pacific Theatre and Theatre at TWU are delighted to celebrate the greatest story […]