Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Kiwi Collection Overnight Sensations: Book Giveaway

Comments 41 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I have been approached to conduct another book giveaway and this time it’s for a hardcover copy of Overnight Sensations: The Americas from Kiwi Collection. Based in Vancouver, the Kiwi Collection is a website for booking and browsing hotels that offer a little bit more than the ordinary. Their 2100 hotel listings (in 124 countries) […]

A Day at the Races with BOB

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This Sunday join BOB (Building Opportunities With Business) at Hastings Racecourse for a special fundraising event. BOB is a community economic development organization in the Downtown Eastside. They are a non-profit organization with a goal of supporting local business development and increasing job opportunities for inner-city residents. Last night at the YWCA Women of Distinction […]

Vancouver History: City Scenes

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Trying to come up with themes for history posts is sometimes a bit tough. I’ve done everything from feature photos of long-gone hotels and aerial images of the region, to people walking dogs down Hastings Street a hundred years ago. Sometimes it’s the oddities that are the most interesting, such as that time an elephant […]

YWCA Women of Distinction Awards: Ceremony

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

This evening the YWCA is hosting its Women of Distinction Awards. As a sponsor of the event I will be liveblogging throughout the ceremony to announce winners, post photos, and provide updates. If you’re following along on Twitter you can search for the tag #YWVanWODA throughout the evening. The liveblog will begin around 6:30pm but […]

Velopalooza 2010

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We’re smack dab in the middle of Bike to Work Week and coming up in a few days the cycling fun continues with Velopalooza. Photo credit: to be, inspired on Flickr From June 4th until June 13th Velopalooza will offer 10 days of “bikey fun” including 64 events (most free) that are organized by individuals […]