Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Lotus Awards: Meet the Judges This Week

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The Lotus Awards are an advertising awards show celebrating creative marketing in British Columbia. Award categories include broadcast, interactive, design, ‘other’, out-of-home, and print. They’ll be coming up in November however there is a preview event coming up where you can meet those who will be judging the Lotus Awards. Judges include Michael Borosky from […]

Vancouver Fringe Festival 2010: Johnny Tomorrow and the Way of the Planetarium

Comments 10 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Today’s ticket giveaway for the Vancouver International Fringe Festival is for Johnny Tomorrow and the Way of the Planetarium by Michael Unger. “Johnny Tomorrow takes you on a journey to the stars inside the star theatre, and back in time over the 40 year history of the H.R. Macmillan Planetarium. He’s searching for answers to […]

Live at Squamish: Day Two

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Before John and I headed out to cover a second day of Live at Squamish we took a detour to the estuary for a quick stroll. Afterward, on our way back to the festival grounds, we ran into a roadblock setup by a black bear. It was a great start to another great day. Arriving […]

Live at Squamish: Day One

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The first day of the Live at Squamish music festival was pretty awesome. The view is absolutely stunning as you sit out on the grass and listen to the tunes of local and international artists. The place is barely packed (far less than say, Surrey on Canada Day) so it’s easy to find a place […]

Live at Squamish: Sound Check

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

We arrived in Squamish this afternoon in preparation for covering the first annual Live at Squamish music festival happening Saturday and Sunday. Here’s a quick 360 degree shot of the festival grounds that I shot with my iPhone this afternoon: Sound check featuring Matthew Good The line up is impressive, the beer garden is prepped, […]