Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Tackle Hunger Food Drive 2011

Comments 55 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The Purolator Tackle Hunger Food Drive, in partnership with the BC Lions for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank Society, is taking place this coming Saturday, August 13th. Photo credit: blog_bleistift on Flickr This is the 9th annual Tackle Hunger campaign and fans are encouraged to bring non-perishable food item donations or cash in support of […]

Salsa Dancing at Robson Square

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Robson Square is home to salsa dancing every Sunday this month (and last) from 3:00pm to 7:00pm. Organized by Stephen and Jennifer Dancey of Salsa Vancouver, these lessons – followed by dance shows – are totally free. Photo credit: John Bollwitt on Flickr John walked by yesterday on his way home from Empire Field and […]

Where to Pick Blueberries

Comments 4 by Rebecca Bollwitt

They may be late but they’re just as sweet. BC fresh blueberries are now in season, after a soggy start to summer, and are ready for picking this month. After publishing my “Where to Pick Strawberries” post I received some great feedback and decided to include more Richmond and Delta farms for the blueberry guide […]

Araxi Longtable Series, Win Tickets

Comments 265 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Araxi Restaurant, a star of Whistler’s restaurant scene, is hosting the Araxi Longtable series at North Arm Farm in Pemberton August 27 and September 11, 2011. A “longtable” meal is exactly what it sounds like – a meal served to a large group at a long table – but this this series will also see […]

Vancouver Viaduct History and Future

Comments 14 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Last month Vancouver City Council decided to proceed with a second series of studies that would concern the future of the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts [The Province]. The current viaducts, installed in 1972, serve as passage for tens of thousands of vehicles (and bikes) into the downtown core from False Creek, Chinatown, and East Vancouver. […]