Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Vancouver History: Lumberman’s Arch

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Lumberman’s Arch is a popular meeting place and landmark on the North side of Stanley Park, West of Brockton Point. The single log propped up by two others is a monument to the major industry that built up our province and was installed by the Park Board and the BC Lumber Manufacturers Association almost 60 […]

The Teahouse in Stanley Park Shuttle

Comments 322 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Located above the sea wall at Ferguson Point and nestled between our urban forest and the setting sun of the Salish Sea, The Teahouse in Stanley Park is a true gem. Recently, they’ve made the restaurant more accessible by adding a free courtesy shuttle (in collaboration with Harbour Air Seaplanes) between the Teahouse, major Vancouver […]

Vancouver Waterfight 2011

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The Vancouver Waterfight is happening this weekend in Stanley Park. It was originally supposed to take place weeks ago but since our summer was so soggy (pretty much defeating the purpose of the event) it’s been pushed back. Photo credit: Nick Devenish on Flickr The waterfight is more of a “friendly soaking” with rules to […]

Whistler Olympic Plaza Grand Opening

Comments 62 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Many know it as a frosty, snowy, wintertime getaway but Whistler is one happening place in the summertime as it comes alive with mountainbikers, shoppers, hikers, and adventure-seekers. This summer they’ve hosted the Whistler Presents Concert series featuring free shows by some of North America’s top bands and artists. Photo credit: Mike Crane, Tourism Whistler […]