Author Archive for Rebecca Bollwitt

Get Warm Project

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Back in 2008 locals organized themselves through Twitter, emptied their closets, and formed an impromptu warm clothing drive called “Tweetup Heatup“. Many saw the snow and frost around them and instantly thought of those on our streets, out in the cold. The forecast is calling for our coldest winter in 20 years and once again […]

Catching Up With Raffi & Layton’s Letter to the Nation

Comments 2 by Rebecca Bollwitt

I’m a “Beluga Grad” as Raffi called me — a person in my generation who grew up with the “Baby Beluga” album (although I’m more partial to “Down by the Bay and “Shake My Sillies Out”). We’d put Raffi records on before we danced around or as we were being tucked into bed at night. […]

Vancouver Votes iPhone App

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Municipal elections are taking place in Vancouver November 19, 2011. You can find out various information about your registration, where to vote, and more from the election office or online. However, if you’re on the go and want all of this information in your purse or pocket, there’s also an app for that. The City […]

Invite the World to Vancouver & Chocolate Giveaway

Comments 169 by Rebecca Bollwitt

You can now Invite the World to Vancouver through a new digital postcard platform. Simply visit the site, select a series of photos or upload your own, and they’ll send a real post card to the recipient. They’ll cover the postage, print the card, and have it delivered. I for one, love receiving actual tangible […]