Langley Rivermen Basics for Babies

Comments 3 by Rebecca Bollwitt

Our local BCHL hockey teams are big parts of their community and the Langley Rivermen are fully committed to giving back in Langley. On Saturday, December 13th fans are encouraged to bring unopened diapers in support of JRfm’s Basics for Babies campaign.


Langley Rivermen Basics for Babies

JRfm has partnered with Food Banks BC to ensure that all babies in the Lower Mainland get the nutrition they need. Food Banks BC is the provincial association of 93 member food banks across the province.

According to the Langley Food Bank, there are currently about 750 client families registered and including dependents, they are helping over 1000 people with their food requirements each week. Many of people who use the food bank have small children. Basics for Babies hampers provided to client families include baby food, cereal, diapers, formula, and other baby care items.

On Saturday, December 13, 2014, fans will receive 2-for-1 entry with the donation of an unopened diaper or cash. When the Langley Rivermen score their first goal, fans will toss the unopened diapers on the ice, which will all be donated to Basics for Babies.

You can help support Basics for Babies and the food bank in your community. If you would like to attend the Langley Rivermen vs Surrey Eagles this Saturday at 7:00pm at the Langley Events Centre (7888 200th St), I have 4 tickets to give away.

Here’s how you can enter to win:

  • Leave a comment on this post (1 entry)
  • Post the following on Twitter (1 entry)
Support #BasicsForBabies + RT to enter to win @langleyrivermen tix from @Miss604

I will draw one winner at random from all entries at 12:00pm on Friday, December 12, 2014. Follow the Langley Rivermen on Twitter and Facebook for more information about their games and community events.

Update The winner is @JaclynJary!

3 Comments  —  Comments Are Closed

  1. Jon MacKinnonThursday, December 11th, 2014 — 3:01pm PST

    go rivermen go.

    Way to support basics for babies

  2. marisa.pThursday, December 11th, 2014 — 3:57pm PST

    This is a great idea! Dry babies are happy babies!

  3. Ryan TomlinsonThursday, December 11th, 2014 — 8:07pm PST

    Babies need them. Good idea. I have a 3yr old.

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