Dining Out for Life 2009
byEvery year in Vancouver the Dining Out for Life event encourages everyone in the region to head out for a delicious dinner at the participating restaurant of their choice and it’s all for a great cause: A Loving Spoonful and Friends for Life.
On Thursday, March 12, 2009 thousands will fill their plates to fight AIDS. Over 200 restaurants from Whistler to White Rock and into the Valley will join the fight against AIDS by donating 25 percent of their food revenue from meals sold during this important event.
I first learned about A Loving Spoonful two years ago when our pal Raul joined me and dozens of others for Blogathon 2007 and I’m glad to have become more familiar with their generous work since.
This year one of the winners of my Best of 604 awards, Eagranie Yuh of The Well-Tempered Chocolatier, is involved with DOFL and will be ‘holding down the fort’ from the Cascade Room (2616 Main Street).
Eagranie informed me that Sumac Ridge Estate Winery will donate $1 from every bottle purchased at BC restaurants (as well as liquor stores) throughout the month of March and Stella Artois will donate $1 from every sale during the Dining Out for Life campaign (through March 12th). She’s also got a Facebook event for the Cascade Room experience.
Via Raul’s post, I found out that Karen of TinyBites will be at Tomato during the event as well.
You can check out the entire list of participating pubs and restaurants on the Dining Out for Life directory and be sure to make your reservations today.
3 Comments — Comments Are Closed
Thanks for spreading the word, Rebecca! I hope everyone makes a point of dining out on Thursday – it’s the easiest possible way to raise money for these two great charities. With more than 225 restaurants participating – the most ever! – I have high hopes that we’ll raise tons of money.
thanks for sharing the buzz on DOFL! Hopefully even if people can only go out once this month, Thursday will be the night, it will be at one of the participating restaurants, and people will order Sumac Ridge wine. Anyone who wants to meet the winery founder and winemaker they will be stopping at Joe Fortes for bubble and oysters 5pm on the 12th before making roudns to visit participating restaurants…
I will be at Gastropod. You?
Thanks Rebecca! I haven’t decided where I am going but you and John (and your readers, of course) are totally invited! 🙂 Many thanks again!