F5 Expo Day Blog

Comments 1 by Rebecca Bollwitt

The F5 Expo has taken over the Vancouver Convention Centre today as technology and social media converge under the sails.

I have two workshops at 11:45am and 1:00pm focusing on some business blogging basics.

However, the booth space where I am doing my presentation is in the middle of the tradeshow floor so I’m unsure how well people will be able to hear my speak. As such, I’ll be posting my slides online later today and will also add in some voice-overs for the playback.

Big thanks in advance to Tris Hussey who will be lending me his MacBook so I can do my presentation. He’s also doing two workshops (in the same space) about Podcasting 101.

In the meantime, I’ll be exploring the conference, workshops, and tradeshow and will post updates throughout the day. The Twitter tag for the conference is #F5Expo so you can follow real-time updates.

Update It was a great morning at the F5 Expo and I ran into many old friends and new faces. It was a real mix of traditional business promotions (booths with roll up banners and pen giveaways) and new media (live Twitter feeds, Wii setup, gadget demos, green screen video on the fly etc.)

My slides have now been posted and I’ve added an audio mp3 over-top. The slide numbers I announce in the audio are a bit off so please ignore the numbers and hopefully it’s fairly easy to follow along.

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  1. My Experience at the F5 Expo in Vancouver | Let Jeff HelpWednesday, April 7th, 2010 — 5:30pm PDT

    […] really wanted to see but I did manage to catch Rebecca Bollwitt’s (@miss604) presentation on Blogging for Business. It was brief, to the point, and mentioned some important info for beginners covering the Who, […]

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