I have no beer

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Ever since Alanah’s post I’ve been craving some Granville Island lager. I decided that these contributor posts are just too great to get swept away with the rest so they’re all in their own category “guest post” so that you can revisit them after the Blogathon.

I’ve made it past the halfway mark and I’m coasting into the evening. Hopefully on the next post I can catch the fireworks “in action” on a webcam and share that with you all.

In case you’re just tuning in to the blog, I am doing this for 24 hours straight in hopes that people will pledge my efforts and donate to the Surrey Food Bank. Thanks to everyone whose done so already, and keep watching as I’m not stopping until 6:00 am Pacific time on July 29th.

Blogathon: Post #33 – Sponsor me to keep going for the Surrey Food Bank

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