YWCA Women of Distinction Awards: Vote Now for Connecting the Community

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The YWCA Women of Distinction Awards are coming up on Tuesday, May 26th, 2015 at the Vancouver Convention Centre and voting is now open for the 6th annual Connecting the Community Award, presented by Scotiabank.

YWCA Women of Distinction Awards

Vote Now for Connecting the Community Award

In addition to the category in which she was nominated, all individual finalists are eligible for a 12th category called Connecting the Community. This award provides an opportunity for Women of Distinction finalists to gain recognition through social media, as well as raises awareness for YWCA Metro Vancouver’s programs. The recipient of this award will be determined via on-line vote. Each finalist selects a YWCA program area that she identifies the most with and submits a quote as to why. Click here to read about the finalists, the YWCA programs they have chosen, and to vote.

Voting ends on May 15th at noon. The nominee with the most votes will receive the Connecting the Community Award. The recipient will be announced at the Awards event on May 26th and Scotiabank will donate $10,000 to her chosen YWCA program area in her honour.

YWCA Women of Distinction Awards Nominees

Congratulations to all of the nominees in the following categories:

Business & the Professions
Kathy Butler
Wendy Chu
Lawrie Ferguson
Lianna Mah
Kristi Miller
Michelle Osry
Michelle Pockey
Katie Schaeffers
Laurie Schultz
Jennifer Traub
Sheila Tucker

Arts, Culture & Design
Julie Blue
Jennifer Cutbill
Jacqueline Dupuis
Diana Kaarina
Ramona Luengen
Emily Molnar
Bonnie Nish
Marlie Oden
Myriam Steinberg

Community Champion
Kristal Barrett-stuart
Michaela Davies
Tarah Ferguson
Barbara Fitzgerald
Heather Mackenzie
Claire Robson
Laura Saimoto
Barb Snelgrove
Cheryl Young

Outstanding Workplace
Goldcorp Inc.

Environmental Sustainability
Tzeporah Berman
Maureen Cureton
Marcia Smith
Victoria Smith

Health & Wellness
Paola Ardiles
Jan Christilaw
Vivian Eliopoulos
Sally Thorne

Technology, Science & Research
Alma Barranco-mendoza
Liisa Galea
Meredith Powell
Dominique Weis

Education, Training & Development
Natacha Beim
Wendy Gilmour
Jennifer Kirkey
Joanne Melville
Sandra Singh
Corey Zylstra

Alexandra Greenhill
Judi Hess
Debra Saimoto
Parise Siegel
Lisa Tuningley

Young Woman of Distinction
Selin Jessa
Zoya Jiwa
Patricia Louie
Suneet Maan
Jenna Reed-cote

Get Your Tickets

The 32nd Annual Women of Distinction Awards is 75% sold out! Join YWCA Metro Vancouver on May 26th to pay tribute to the inspiring finalists and to celebrate our Women of Distinction Awards recipients.

Early Bird/Until April 26: $225 per person
As of April 27: $250 per person (10 seats per table)
Order online or call (604) 895-5768

Follow the YWCA of Vancouver on Facebook and Twitter for more information along with the YWCA Women of Distinction Awards @YWVanWODA on Twitter. And be sure to VOTE for the women you would like to see receive the Connecting the Community Award.

Miss604 is a proud sponsor of the YWCA Women of Distinction Awards for the 6th year!

YWCA Metro Vancouver is dedicated to achieving women’s equality. Their mission is to touch lives and build better futures for women and their families through advocacy and integrated services that foster economic independence, wellness and equal opportunities.

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