Canadian Independent Bookstore Day in Vancouver 2025
byCanadian Independent Bookstore Day (CIBD) returns in communities across the country on Saturday, April 26th. Readers are invited to shop local and visit independent bookstore for a day of contests, giveaways, and in-store events.

Canadian Independent Bookstore Day in Vancouver
Many independent bookstores will celebrate the day in their own creative ways, ranging from the creation of local indie maps and events, to scavenger hunts, contests, and displays. With more than 300 indie bookstores and counting across Canada, you can find stores in your area online.
Participants in Vancouver include:
The best way to participate in Independent Bookstore Day is to buy books! Purchase books and other items in-person, online, or by phone to show your support.
Contest and Giveaways
The much-anticipated return of the Contest for Book Lovers, which will reward five lucky book buyers with generous gift cards to their favourite indies, including a grand prize worth $1,000. Any book purchased from a Canadian indie bookstore on April 26th will be eligible for one entry into the contest. Books by Canadian writers and/or illustrators will be worth double the entries.
There will also be exclusive giveaways from publishers including “shop local” sticker sheets from Penguin Random House Canada, bookish zines from Biblioasis, World of Munsch Sticker Sheets from Scholastic Canada, Murdle: By the Book mystery activity booklets from Macmillan Publishers & Raincoast Books, CIBD chocolate bars from HarperCollins Canada, activity books, bookmarks, and postcards, and more.
Canadian Independent Bookstore Day grew from “Canadian Authors for Indies Day,” launched in 2015 by Janie Chang, who encouraged hundreds of authors to support independent bookstores on a particular day through readings, signings and other activities.