BWSS is Hosting a Drive for School Supplies

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The BWSS Drive for School Supplies will provide school essentials for students Kindergarten through to Grade 7 in Vancouver. This is your chance to assist single mothers and their children in creating a great start to the school year.

Back to School Supplies

BWSS Drive for School Supplies

  • Campaign runs August 21 to September 6, 2024

Your donations will profoundly impact the lives of young learners, providing essential tools for children to succeed in the upcoming school year. Many single mothers accessing BWSS services are facing significant financial challenges, and the cost of school supplies can be a heavy burden. For children in these vulnerable situations, having the right school supplies can make a world of difference in the educational experience, fostering a sense of normalcy and stability.

How to Support

*note the previous link with the Staples supplies shopping list is unavailable so this is the next best option for supporting the campaign:

  1. Make a donation to BWSS directly
  2. In the “Write a private message to us” section, please mention “Drive for School Supplies” and optionally include which grade from K to 7 you’re interested in supporting 
    • Supplies for each grade cost an average of $75-$250 per student
  3. With your donation, our team will buy school supplies for the single mothers who access BWSS so their children can begin the school year with the necessary supplies.

The thrill of going back to school, the joy of receiving new supplies, and the potential for learning, making friends, and exploring new possibilities are all integral parts of a child’s school experience. By participating in this drive, you’re not just donating supplies; you’re helping to create a supportive environment where children can thrive. You’re also providing a single mother with the reassurance of solidarity of a strong community behind her.

In Loving Memory

This initiative is organized in loving memory of Kat Zu’comulwat Norris, a beloved friend, from Lyackson First Nation, and founder of the Indigenous Action Movement. Kat was a passionate advocate for education and community support. Each year, before her passing in 2022, she organized school supply drives with unwavering dedication. Her commitment to the community and belief in the power of education continue to inspire us. This drive is a tribute to her legacy.

About BWSS

Battered Women’s Support Services provides educationadvocacy, and support services to assist all women in its aim to work towards the elimination of violence and to work from a feminist perspective that promotes equality for all women. Follow BWSS on Facebook for more information.

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