Vancouver Bird Celebration 2024
byDuring the Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration you can enjoy walks, workshops, talks, exhibitions, and lectures across the Lower Mainland, all aimed at celebrating our feathered friends.

Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration
From bird-nerd to bird-curious, there’s an event for everyone during the Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration from May 10 to 26, 2024. The event series is inspired by World Migratory Bird Day, a United Nations-sponsored initiative recognizing the importance of birds as key indicators of our environment’s health.
The Lower Mainland is home to more than 250 species of bird that can be seen during the month of May. Explore the online profiles of various bird species found in the Lower Mainland highlighting the diversity and beauty of local birds, and participate in one of many special events.
Bird Celebration Events For Kids & Families
May 11: Salmon Release and Migratory Bird Day Celebration
May 16: Preschool Wonder Walk: Every Bird Needs a Nest
May 17: Feather Fest – Treetop Tales
May 18: UBC Biodiversity Days – Family Nature Walk
May 25: Migratory Bird Fly By
More kids & families events »
For Beginners
May 11: Tree Swallow Nest Box Building with Vancouver Tool Library
May 18: Bird and Insect Walk on the BC Bird Trail (Iona Beach)
May 19: Birds and Brews
More beginner events »

For Experienced Birders
May 11: The Herons are Here – Colony Tour
May 14: Piper Spit Bird Count
May 23: A Visit with O.W.L.
May 25 & 26: Feathers and Fungi at Maplewood Flats
More experienced birder events »
May 15: For the Love of Loons Webinar
May 15: Birdinar Presentation: Aerial Insectivores and Insects
May 10: Taking Flight: Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration Opening Event
May 18: Birding Session with the Feminist Bird Club
May 25: Wingspan Tournament
The Greater Vancouver Bird Celebration is organized through a collaborative partnership between Birds Canada, Stanley Park Ecology Society, Stewardship Centre for BC, Vancouver Avian Research Centre, and Vancouver Botanical Gardens Association assisting cities, municipalities and organizations in Greater Vancouver to celebrate birds throughout the region.
Find Vancouver Bird Celebration on Instagram.