Volunteer at Planting Events in Stanley Park
byYou’re invited to join in some planting events in Stanley Park. The Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES) recently announced grants it received to support their mission to foster environmental equity through innovative urban greening and tree planting projects. This will be put towards planting more than 1,200 plants, including native trees, ferns, shrubs and herbs around Beaver Lake, Lost Lagoon, and Ceperley Meadow to jumpstart recovery in areas damaged by humans.

Volunteer at Planting Events in Stanley Park
You can help contribute to habitat conservation and restoration, and preserve the biodiversity in Stanley Park. Join in planting native herbs, ferns, shrubs, and trees in disturbed parts of this treasured green space.
Planting will take place north of Beaver Lake as one of the biggest planting season ever. SPES staff will be there to teach skills and techniques needed fr planting as well as providing ;tools, plants, and other equipment needed. Join Stanley Park Ecology Society in making the space more green with these tree planting events:
TD Green Space & Arbor Day Foundation Planting Event
Date: Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 10:00am to 1:30pm
Location: Meet outside the SPES Office (610 Pipeline Road, Vancouver)
Register here
FedEx & Arbor Day Foundation Planting Event
Date: Saturday November 4, 2023 from 10:00am to 1:30pm
Location: Meet outside the SPES Office (610 Pipeline Road, Vancouver)
Register here
Enterprise & Arbor Day Planting Event
Date: Thursday, November 16, 2023 10:00am to 1:30pm
Location: Meet at the Nature House (712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver)
Register here
With heat waves becoming more frequent, vulnerable populations need sufficient tree canopy and dedicated green space to curb the impact of the urban heat island effect and increase climate resiliency throughout their neighbourhoods. Green spaces play a critical role in helping to create more vibrant, livable cities, which have been repeatedly demonstrated to increase mental and physical health for residents living near them.
Stay up to date with SPES on Facebook.
Miss604’s Rebecca Bollwitt is an Executive of the SPES Board of Directors