Variety Heartstrings Campaign is On Now

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There’s just one week left to contribute to Variety – the Children’s Charity of BC’s spring Heartstrings campaign, where they’ve been stringing together messages of hope and inspiration from Variety kids, families and donors.

Variety BC Heartstrings Campaign

They say it takes a village to raise a child and that’s especially true for a child with complex needs. And for many families, their child’s support team needs different kinds of trained professionals who are financially out of reach for their family.

Every donation makes a difference. No matter the size of your donation, your generosity ensures that every child has the chance to thrive. The essential programs and resources Variety provides transforms daily realities for children and changes the trajectory of their lives for the better.

Prescott’s Story

Meet families like Prescott’s Mom, Lindsey from Kelowna. 2-year-old Prescott who was born premature and developed a condition known as PVL (Periventricular Leukomalacia) which led to a Cerebral Palsy diagnosis last year. Variety has been providing her with both physiotherapy and speech therapy as she is not able to walk or talk yet. Lindsey shares: “The therapies that Prescott’s receiving are having a tremendous impact and because she’s so young, they’re giving her the best chance to be independent as she grows. I’m so grateful to Variety and their generosity of their donors.” 

Read more stories from Variety kids, be inspired, and support the Heartstrings campaign today with a donation.

About Variety – the Children’s Charity of BC

Variety – the Children’s Charity of BC steps in where health care ends providing direct help to children & youth with special needs province-wide. For over 55 years, Variety has ensured that children have the support to reach their full potential. Since 2010, Variety has distributed more than $40 million in funding to families and organizations in communities across BC.

Variety’s core grant areas range from adaptive, medical & mobility equipment to specialized therapies, educational support, mental wellness counselling and private autism & psychoeducational assessments. For information on how you can support Variety – the Children’s Charity of BC, visit or call (604) 320-0505.

Follow Variety on Facebook for their latest news and updates.

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